Friday, December 5, 2008

Sitting in Panera.

Oh, John's Creek.

Tomorrow I head back to good ol' Millyville.
To an excess of English papers, Spanish compositions, and studying for finals next week.
Ay dios mio.
My plan for tomorrow is to drive up to Milledgeville early.. leave at about 11 or so. Once I get there, I have to finish this Spanish project and post it to Youtube. (?)
Then.. I get to study my life away in the library with Kait. Luckily i'll be with her to keep me company though.
I'm not looking forward to this. It's going to be one of the hardest weeks of my life. I'm sick and not quite up to this, but what choice do I have? I'm borderline failing math.. and the final determines if I pass or fail. Ugh. I'm such an underachiever when it comes to school.

I stop caring.
Oh well.. I best stop lollygagging (!) and I best start working on... who the hell knows what.
All I really want to do is go to sleep..

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Here I am, 1 am, blogging.
I'm a horrible blogger.

My thoughts are random and completely unnecessary,
but isn't that the point of blogging in the first place?
To share and extend on your own ideas and thoughts?

This is week three of mono. I'm screwed for my finals and i'm borderline failing... I don't know, 2 classes? I'm not cut out for school. Never have been... never will be. The age old question, what will I do with my life? It's time for me to either crack down and study... or do something so crazy that it changes my perspective on my future. I'm completely socially awkward.. how do I get over this? How do I take that chance? Ugh.. 19 year old angst!

I don't even know what Dayvan means. Perhaps I should look that up.
My mom just yelled at me for being to loud while I was brushing my teeth. Sorry that I use a jackhammer instead of a toothbrush, MOM. Haaaha.

Blogging tires me. Maybe I should do this more often.